Monday, January 12, 2015

Ancient Secret of Youth

This common organic household and culinary spice has been lurking around kitchens for quite some time. It's vibrant yellow properties and flavor have been used for both it's color and flavor, and is used in 1000's of products in the US alone. Yet many of use are still unaware of it's natural healing powers, in fact it was largely ignored in western culture until the 1970's, when research confirmed it's abilities as an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and even possible anti-cancer properties.  Many household herbs have an exceptional medicinal purpose, many ward off infection and disease, but not all are quite as powerful as this unique herb of which we will be discussing. 

This relative of the ginger root has made quite a name for itself over 1000's of years usage.  In many eastern countries this root has been a common tool in medicinal culture. Used for many centuries in India as a blood purifier,  a treatment for skin conditions, morning sickness and liver disorders.  In China it is known as jiang huang, or yellow ginger, and is considered a cure, in that country for abdominal pain, jaundice, bloating and more.  In modern uses this root is recognized for it's beneficial effects in treating upset stomachs, joint pain, and several digestive disorders.  

Modern science has discovered the healing properties of this herb are link to what are called currcuminoids, one of which, perhaps the most prominent of these curcuminoids is known as curcumin.  Curcumin is shown to increase the bile production and flow from the  liver, which leads to a quicker breakdown of fat, and this may even protect from liver damage caused by alcohol (although I would not test this).  When studied on animals it was also found to reduce stomach acid secretions and this could protect the lining of the intestines and stomach.  However, the most powerful purpose of this herb may be it's ability to alleviate pain, especially pain related to joint-inflamation, a.k.a arthritis.  Curcumin not only alleviates mild pains similar to aspirin (which was derived from white willow bark), curcumin has also been found to thin the blood in much the same way as aspirin as well, and it is less likely to have the long term side effects of aspirin.* Beyond thinning the blood and relieving mild pain, this root is also an anti-inflammatory and appears to be as effective as NSAID's and cortisol** at reliving inflammation.

Ok if you haven't figured it out by now I will share with you the name of this powerful herb, I am sure the suspense has been getting to you.  The name of this herb is Turmeric root, and you more than likely have seen this herb in your kitchen or in the kitchen of someone you know, perhaps you even used it today. 

Many of my friends and family have used this herb and seen amazing results in joint pain, even without a change in diet.  It's effectiveness in pain relief is not only due directly to it's ability to relive mild amounts of pain, but is also due to it's anti-inflammatory properties, as inflammation often leads to pain.  It's important to note that the properties of turmeric are only supplementary and the only way to permanently reduce inflammation and joint pain is an all around change to diet.  A diet which avoids inflammatory foods all together will lead to a permanently "uninflammed" body.  Inflammatory foods include but are not limited to; meats, animal milk, oily and greasy foods, and even too much cooked food. And, hey spring for the organic food, in the long run you will thank yourself.

Although it is modernly taken in capsules, my favorite way to use this herb is in a coconut milk mixture, recipe below:


  1. Coconut Milk-                             3/4 cup
  2. Turmeric Root Powder -             1-1/2 teaspoons 
  3. Cinnamon-                                  1/2 teaspoon 
  4. Raw Honey-                                1 teaspoon 

Place coconut milk,Turmeric Root, and Cinnamon in a small sauté pan and heat till warm, while constantly whisking with a fork. Once warm turn off burner and whisk in honey and pour the mix into your favorite mug, and your done!  If steam begins to rise the milk is getting too warm, and use a mug with some dark color as turmeric tends to stain.  Do your best to get organic as well, especially wight the Turmeric Root, it is typically much fresher than its conventionally produced counterpart.

I use this recipe a few times a week right before bed, especially when I am experiencing muscle pain or even stress. 

Turmeric root is a powerful medicine and it is important to note that it should not be taken with blood thinners or pain killers as they can interact and cause too strong an effect on the body. If you are taking ANY medications you need to discuss with your doctor about supplementing turmeric root or any medicinal herb into your diet as the interactions can be serious!

If you would like to purchase some turmeric capsules you can find them at my store here

*Although turmeric has less side effects than synthetic medicines, it does has a few of it's own when used to often or for too long. Turmeric is only a supplement, a supplement to what? A healthy diet, without a healthy diet the healing effects of turmeric (or any herb or medicine for that matter) will not   remain.  Supplement require a change in the lifestyle patterns that caused to disease to begin with or their effects will not last!

** From Complementary and Alternative Medicines, page 781, written by Doctors of Pharmacy C.W. Fetrow and Juan R. Avila.

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