Monday, September 3, 2012

Why Buy Organic?

It has recently come to my attention (again) that a majority of my fellow Americans are misinformed about the prospects of living an organic life.  I recently read an article on Yahoo called "Organic Food No Healthier than Non-organic Food" in which the writer informs use that there may be no more vitamins or minerals in organic food than there is in non-organic.  That may very well be true, but then the article continues to say but eating Organic food MAY reduce exposure to pesticides.  MAY! are you kidding me it is a scientific fact that organic food contains fewer pesticides and that is precisely why it IS healthier.  Sure a little poison meant to kill weeds or bugs won't kill you, but do it day after day meal after meal and it beyond a shadow of responsible doubt will effect your

Buying Organic doesn't make me high and mighty it means that my dollar doesn't go to the mighty corporations like Monsanto who has genetically modified more seeds than any other company, among their other lovely products are RGBH a growth hormone for cows, Round-up amount other commercial herbicides, and their latest GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) corn that contains insecticide whiten it's cellular structure! How is that even deemed safe!?

Buying Organic means that I support the companies that are run by people who sacrifice larger profits for righteous and healthful products, it means that my monetary vote goes to the family growing a healthful farm and not one owned by a greed-ful company.  I don't only buy organic for myself I buy it for the little farmers, for small even large businesses fighting to succeed over large corporations, I do it for my friends and family, and much more I do it for those who have yet to be born!

Going Organic is expensive! But it is literally the difference between Right and Wrong, black and white.  So will you spend the extra dollar to support tomorrows generations or will you wait for someone else to save you?  Do use all a favor and stop buying CRAP it won't just kill you it will consume you and it will assist greed filled businesses in consuming more people!

Stop supporting companies that put money over the health of their customers! I can't even convey in one year how important going organic is for EVERYTHING.  I urge you strongly to do the same, before the option is no longer available.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing more true could have been said! I wish I could show an image that someone did on a mushroom. Two mushrooms were X-rayed(?), it showed an organic mushroom and a GMO Mushroom and the difference was shocking. Try to google it, I'm sure it'll show up. And keep in mind my fellow health people! These people pay A LOT of MONEY, to keep organic down so don't get the wool pulled over your eyes, stay informed and discuss! :)

